E.max crown 09/14 Rebuild. >_

2012年9月28日 星期五 2 意見

E.max crown 12 to 22 try in.

Patient was open bite.

Before. continue http://www.wretch.cc/blog/V6beautyPUNK/6994446
Patient complained that the over-jet was too pout and the over-bite was too long ,however the shade is good.
Unfortunately it is difficult to adjust that only reduce the length of  incisor edge or bring it back a little bit.
If I do that the incisor halo effect will be destroy, so I have to  cutback from the zero then rebuild .

After cut-backed , staining for the base shade and incisor character.

Using Tl1 for wash bake.


Mixture of OE1 ,T-blue and TC for opal effect.
IE and OE3 for halo effect
Mixing TC and TI1 to cover incisor third,
TN and Tl2  cover middle and cervical third.


Old.I GUESSED I have been improving in this case.

Have a good weekend~

2 意見:

  • V6beautyPUNK 提到...

    ⒈內染完wash firing的目的是將內染與washing兩個步驟結合在一起減少一次進爐的時間。




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